It could all be brought down in a day by a modern-day wreaking ball.
Once upon a time…
True story:
Once I stood, stunned in an archway overlooking a shimmering building known as the Crown of the Palace, the Taj Mahal.
That shimmering structure looked as though it was vibrating.
When Sunlight hit that white-white marble inlaid with semi- precious stones the result was as though it had been hit with lightning. The air temperature? Over 100 degrees.
Twenty-two years to build, 22,000 laborers, architects, stone cutters, sculptors, calligraphers, painters and 1,000 elephants worked to build that structure.
It could all be brought down in a day by a modern-day wreaking ball.
It has taken us 200 years to build the United States of America.
We have a modern-day wrecking ball standing at the gate ready and willing to take it down.
The democrats lost the 2024 election by only 12 votes per precinct nationwide.
And now I hear that again, as in the last election, the Russians were in there tampering with the media. Keep those Americans stirred up.
Point 11 from
Millions have come to realize that the system no longer works for them. That they’ll never be out of credit card debt, that the Medicare you paid into for 40 years doesn’t cover half the stuff you need, that your boy died in Iraq for nothing, that the police have zero to do with crime prevention and are mostly there to do crime scene cleanup, that no pharmaceutical company is working on the vaccine for the next pandemic and most have stopped working on finding “cures” because where’s the profit if you cure people and they then have no reason to buy pills for the rest of their lives? And on and on. Millions have lost faith… read more on
Well, that’s depressing, but then, I’ve been depressed since November 5—and worried before.
Which is worse, worry or depression?
I’m not, however, ready to resign to the fate for which we have been handed.
I smelled a rat the day of the election, and the stench is getting worse.
Do you really think two men “Alpha Males” both with charges against them, both who culd benefit greatly, would let themselves be defeated? Especially not from a woman. Not when one has his hands on the pulse of the nation and the other has the funds to buy it, plus eyes in the skies in the form of satelites?
I’ve always respected our country. It started out well. Brave men had a noble calling: create a democratic republic, a land of the free. France gave us the gift of a great statue—Lady Liberty, who welcomed immigrants as their ships floated into the harbor. Men with a vision created a monument to democracy. We were once respected.
To my surprise, the 2025 election was over so fast it left me dizzy.
For the past four years, we have heard constant complaints that the 2020 election was stolen.
Where are the “thieves” during this election?
Sap, it was over just like that.
Harris conceded.
Easy transference of power, the Democrats said.
Contrary to the last election, where the loser wouldn’t leave the White House, who complained for the following four years that the election had been stolen from him. Once, he slipped and said he had lost, but it was not heard. Or it was ignored.
The Republicans in this election, and the Democrats were playing by separate rules. One used logic and niceness, a plan, negotiations. The other attack, hate, and ridicule. All is rotten, you guys live in a garbage can, tear it down, dump the system.
But not all Republicans voted for the Republican Candidate. Some said, “I’ve had enough.” People were walking out of rallies he said were larger than they were. Many shook their heads when lies came flowing out of his mouth. –I didn’t do it. I’m never guilty, nuke a tornado, fire the general. A escalator goes up, water takes away a magnetic charge, I want generals like Hitler’s, Demolish the Pentagon, I will fix the economy.
Many government agencies will go, maybe the Department of Education, Healthcare, Medicare and Social Security. Immigrants are polluting our country. I will deport them. If I was President, the wars would never have happened. I will fix the economy…
Many people thought he was dangerous, a fool. A president who would allow his own VP to be threatened with a gallows if he did not confirm his second term before all the votes were in was not to be trusted.
“It doesn’t matter said the people.”
However, many Republicans were willing to leave their once proud party. They are not all racist, misogynist people.
I still believe the majority of Americans are good people.
Yes, we were brought to our knees by a pandemic. (And even in the throes of people dying. People were screaming, vaccinate\don’t vaccinate. The virus will kill you/the vaccination will kill you. Wear a mask/ masks don’t work. Business closed. People were laid off. Big business cut back or stopped ordering. People were isolated.
On the tail end of achieving some normalcy, we were hit again with an election campaign. Lies/ dump Roe vs Wade/forget about women’s rights. Trump will save us/ Harris is a warmonger. Morals/ sexual conduct/rape/attending sex parties where underage girls were playthings. Some men liked that they could impregnate a woman, and she couldn’t do a thing about it! Some low-lives even chanted, “Your body. My choice.” “Alpha Males should run the country.”,” said the top runner and his mate.
Some people cared.
A proud man stepped down. He knew he was too old to run the Presidency for another four years. Whoosh, a woman, a voice or reason swept sweetly through the land. “You raise people up. You do not tear them down.” I have only had one client THE PEOPLE.” A shining light. A breath of fresh air. She smiled. Joy seemed Possible. Hope reigned. “Help people make down payments. Help entrepreneurs by giving them a start-up stipend. Put a cap on Pharmaceuticals.”
She needs a spanking from Daddy.” Said the contestant.
“Daddy’s home,” said the people.”
—Don’t oppose me! The contestant cried. I will seek revenge on my competition. The “enemy within” are those who oppose me. I cheat at golf. Hey, it’s my golf course. I cheat on my wife. I rape young girls. I will mess with your social security, medicare, your health care, and women’s rights; I will fire generals who are not loyal to me.”
“It doesn’t matter,” cried the people.
But not all the people were fooled.
Our ancestors built our Cathedral with care; the people protected it; we shored it up when it seemed threatened and championed its cause.
We, the people, care.
We, the people, want personal freedoms.
We, the people, believe in the freedom to worship (or not) as we choose. We want separation of church and state. We want to help our fellow man. We are a nation of immigrants who welcome the new into our country and want to support our allies.”
I know how I chaos works:
First: Create a problem.
Second: Come sweeping in with a fix. I will save you.
Create a great slogan “Make American Great Again.”
Where is again? The 1700’s where you could ship out immigrants at will?
The wild wild west, without law and order?
I thought it was always great.
A messiah will cure it all. He will even print a Bible for you; you can own it—for a fee.
We have more sophistication than to believe that baloney.
We were once the brave GIs who fought for liberty. We banded together to fight WWII by buying war bonds, by donating metal, by rationing our food and clothing. We marched for Civil Rights. We protested the War in Vietnam. We taught our children to tell the truth. We tried to teach them to respect others of different colors, races, and religions, not to bully or insult them by name-calling.
Mothers are worried about their children, boys and girls.
Most men do not want their wives or girlfriends to bleed to death in the parking lot because a law forbids doctors to use their training to treat them.
Power. Control.
Are we going to stand for that?
Any two-bit lawyer knows that in ferreting out the guilty party, you first “Follow the money.” Second, search who has “Motive and Opportunity?”
Who donated 200 million to the election fund? Who has satellites to carry votes? Oh, two satellites fell to the ground a few days after the election? My my, how convenient. After they had been orbiting for the past two years, they suddenly got tired and collapsed as soon as the election was over?
Rats are running wild.
Did the person who won this election run for the Presidency with a desire to serve the people and their country?
I don’t think so.
Cat ladies unite.
Don’t believe the “sane washing” that is being applied to this election.