This is the same daughter who, when she was six years old after watching The Sound of Music, turned to me and asked if we would be as brave as the von Trapp family.
(You know the von Trapps escaped the Nazis from the Salzberg Music Festival, hid in the Abby, were sold out by Rolfe, Louisa's love interest, protected by the nuns who stole carburetors out of the pursuer's vehicles, escaped in the caretaker's car, drove to the Swiss border and hiked over the Alps—well, at least hiked into Switzerland.)
I don't know. I hope so.
Why don't people care anymore?
Find a rich, despicable man who has no governor on his voice or actions, a man who wants to dismantle our Democracy and elect him President of the United States.
I never thought it would happen.
We are still better than that. And you know what? I still don't believe that over 50 % of U.S. citizens want Trump for President. Something happened to them. They were deceived, lied to, and bought. (Look at who is the happiest man in the media. The one jumping up and down.)
No one mentions stolen, as the President-elect screamed what had happened to him over the last four years. We know he put his people in strategic polling places while the other man has 1500 satellites in space. Hum, Kinda makes you wonder, doesn't it?
The Democrats are too nice.